FCU Selection Software


Fan Coil Selection Software

One of our sales & marketing tools, which helps companies to increase their sales by allowing their customers familiar with its products and gets their best selection at any conditions with entering only conditions and requested capacity. In addition to help in training staff how to get the best selection.

Software Feature

– Full customer data with details for printing and saving. 

-All selection probability with desired capacity range percentage which can be selected by user easily. 

-The ability for making selection or checking the selected model performance at any conditions.

– Chilled water application with antifreeze glycol at any concentration percentage. 

– All data required for consultant, contractor and customer are found on the submittal with very professional and clear data with unit drawing.
– No secret data required only performance table, drawing and fill up excel file which can be sent to you.
– No time required from you to work with us, only send to us the final edition of your catalogues.
– Very competitive depending on quantity

FCU Selection Software Web Application User Manual

FCU Selection Software Windows Application User Manual

FCU Selection Software – sample output report